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September 20, 2023

My Manifesto for Life - Yash Varma

April 29, 2021

Last week I hit the milestone of turning 50.  I thought I might feel a little sad at the prospect of getting older but in fact I feel the opposite. To me 50 feels like turning 21 again but this time with life experience, less fear and more love.

I feel very grateful to my family, friends and colleagues who have all had a big impact on who I am today. We all have the capacity to decide how we choose to view and live our life. I wanted to share 50 things that I have learned over the last 50 years or what I call my Manifesto for Life.

I often work with my coaching clients on helping them to understands what matters to them so I thought I would share what matters to me.

My Manifesto for Life

  1. Learn something new each day
  2. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
  3. We are a reflection of our habits
  4. Be generous
  5. Help those who need help
  6. Don't compromise on your values
  7. Live with passion
  8. Be an energy giver not a taker
  9. Health is wealth
  10. Experiences over stuff
  11. Money doesn't make you better it just gives you choices so make sure you make good ones
  12. Sweat each day
  13. Be kind to yourself and others
  14. Love your family and friends
  15. Age is not an excuse not to do something
  16. The standard you walk by is the standard you accept
  17. Any relationship is two way
  18. Education is the equaliser
  19. Say I love you to those you love
  20. Go hard
  21. No time for dickheads
  22. Being nice is not a sign of weakness
  23. Cooking for people is an expression of love
  24. If you don't wake up excited about what you are doing for more than a few week then change it.
  25. People don't do what you say they do what you do
  26. Listen to your body
  27. Rest is a super power
  28. Hang out with people of all ages and socioeconomic groups
  29. Go on dates. If you are married go on more!
  30. If you stop growing you die
  31. Learn to breath it's a game changer
  32. You are always being watched even if no one is in the room
  33. We are all role models
  34. Take risks
  35. No mistakes just leaning
  36. Play hard but always acknowledge your opponent
  37. Make sure your family knows you love them
  38. Be a little weird
  39. Love yourself
  40. Look people in the eye
  41. Surround yourself with good people
  42. Don't let toxic people into your life it's catchy
  43. I prefer to fail than to be mediocre
  44. Smile it doesn't cost anything and you feel better
  45. Recharge each day
  46. Appreciate your parents they have put their blood, sweat and tears into who you are
  47. Be present with people
  48. Support your partner to achieve their dreams
  49. Don't let others project their fears onto you
  50. Choose your partner not for what they do but what they stand for

Let's bring on the next 50 years!
