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May 20, 2021

Do you know why you do what you do?

Yash Varma
May 6, 2021

Last week a friend of mine passed away.   Sadly he was gone well before he should have been.   He was an amazingly talented person who was kind , talented and caring.  At his funeral last week he was quoted as saying “Your life is your legacy to the world, so make sure you make it a better world”.  He certainly did make the world a better place and strived to do this throughout his life.

This got me thinking why do we all not do this?  Why are some people clear about the life they lead and others do not?

Is it fear, lack of time, money or motivation? Or is it a little bit of all of these items.

I believe that everyone has the ability to have an impact on the world in their own way but it requires people to have a way of getting there.  It requires someone to have clarity about what is important to them and then making sure that is front of mind in everything you do.

I love this quote from  Robin Sharma “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”

My purpose is to Love, Joy and Contribute to the world.  

This guides many of the decisions I make with my life, business and interactions with people.  My wife teases me about this regularly (calling me Love Joy.  I kinda like it now).   

I don’t always live by this (as my kids would attest to when I am yelling at them to clean up) but having this as my purpose brings me back to this when I realise I am not living this way.  This is so simple but powerful way to align you in your daily life.

So the question I have for you is “What is your purpose?  Why do you do what you do?

While writing this post I keep hearing “Lovejoy” in my head so I think I am going to get some t shirts printed with that on.  Anyone else want one?
